August, 2023


3h 0m

Conquered the Golden Ridge B-Side after 1000 deaths, funnily despite the over 2 week long break, I'd actually say that I was playing better than I was last time. While I'm definitely cursing at myself when playing these levels, the sense of achievement as you get further and further through a portion, and eventually clear the level is immense.

Honestly Mirror Temple B-Side was probably easier, I still died 800 times but most of that was from overcomplicating the solution. During the Theo segment of the level, I kept trying to bounce off the seeker explosion to get enough to throw him over the wall, but then I briefly watched another person play that same part and simply wall jumped instead. I'd assumed the harder method was the correct one which made things WAY harder. The 'Impossible' room wasn't even that hard compared to what came before, though perhaps I had just improved.

I'll go to the core next time, certainly think I'm more than ready at this point.